Modified Preorder Tree Traversal

In this article, we will learn how to use django-mptt in a Django site. MPTT is modified preorder tree traversal. It’s an efficient way to store hierarchical data to your Django models. You easily determine parent-child relationships.


$ pip install django-mptt

You should add mptt to the INSTALLED_APPS in your file:

    # ...

I’ve used MPTT in one of my major projects. Consider following models for app in Django project.

Example Models

from django.db import models
from mptt.models import MPTTModel, TreeForeignKey
class LocationType(models.Model):
  name = models.CharField(max_length=50, unique=True)
class Location(MPTTModel):  
  parent = TreeForeignKey(
  location_type = models.ForeignKey(
  name = models.CharField(max_length=255)

We firstly add imports for the MPTTModel and TreeForeignKey classes from the django-mptt library. MPTTModel provides a base model. Then the LocationType and Location classes are defined. These models will also have a number of other fields: level, lft, rght, and tree_id.

  • level: The level (or “depth”) at which a node sits in the tree.
  • lft
  • rght
  • tree_id: A unique identifier assigned to each root node and inherited by all its descendants.

It also provides subclasses of MPTTModel have the following instance methods:

  • get_ancestors(ascending=False, include_self=False)
  • get_children()
  • get_descendants(include_self=False)
  • get_descendant_count()
  • get_family()
  • get_next_sibling()
  • get_previous_sibling()
  • get_root()
  • get_siblings(include_self=False)
  • insert_at(target, position=’first-child’, save=False)
  • is_child_node()
  • is_leaf_node()
  • is_root_node()
  • move_to(target, position=’first-child’)

According to me, the most important methods are move_to(), get_root(), insert_at(). These methods are particularly helpful. We change manually lft and rght values. But it’s not a good idea. I think, you can use insert_at(), if you want to update the tree with safe way. Also, we can replace manually parent and child node with move_to().

Now create and apply the migrations to create the table in the database:

$ python makemigrations
Migrations for 'src':
    - Create model LocationType
    - Create model Location

Now, We wanto to test the Tree from shell:

$ python shell
Python 3.7.0 (default, Apr  1 2019, 14:21:55)
In[1]: from src.models import Location, LocationType
In[2]: continent_obj = LocationType.objects.create(name='Continent')
In[3]: country_obj = LocationType.objects.create( name='Country') In[4]: city_obj = LocationType.objects.create(name='City')
In[5]: continent_location = Location.objects.create(
.....:   location_type =continent_obj, 
.....:   name='European'
.....: )
In[6]: country_location = Location.objects.create(
.....:   parent=continent_location,
.....:   location_type =country_obj, 
.....:   name='Turkey'
.....: )
In[7]: city_location = Location.objects.create(
.....:   parent=country_location,
.....:   location_type =city_obj, 
.....:   name='Istanbul'
.....: )

Result for Location Type:

| id  | name      |
|  1  | Continent |
|  2  | Country   |
|  3  | City      |

Result for Location:

| id  | parent_id | location_type_id |  name        |
|  1  | None      |        1         |  European    |
|  2  | 1         |        2         |  Turkey      |
|  3  | 2         |        3         |  Istanbul    |

We want to get a listing of child locations for European:

In[8]: continent_location.get_descendants()
Out[8]: <TreeQuerySet [<Location: Turkey>, <Location:Istanbul>]>
In[9]: continent_location.get_descendant_count()
Out[9]: 2

We want to get a listing of parent locations for Istanbul:

In[10]: city_location.get_ancestors(include_self=True)
Out[10]: <TreeQuerySet [<Location: European>, <Location: Turkey>, <Location: Istanbul>]>

The root node of the MPTT tree (Istanbul):

In [11]: city_location.get_root()
Out[11]: <Location: European>

We want to see all locations on the same level as another:

In [12]: Location.objects.create(
.......:   location_type=continent_obj,
.......:   name='Asia'
.......: )
Out[12]: <Location: Asia>
In [13]: continent_location.get_siblings()
Out[13]: <TreeQuerySet [<Location: Asia>]>

Level of all locations:

In [14]: continent_location.level
Out[14]: 0
In [15]: country_location.level
Out[15]: 1
In [16]: city_location.level
Out[16]: 2

